You have successfully signed up for a Free Pass to join the 2024 apexINSPIRE Autism Summit, and we have emailed your confirmation.

BUT WAIT...Upgrade your pass to retain unlimited access to the expert sessions!

Gain lifetime access to the Summit recordings!

Can’t make it to every live session? Don’t worry, you won’t miss a thing.

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So much more than just an upgrade

We understand that parenting a child on the autism spectrum is not easy. You wear multiple hats, juggling roles as a mom, dad, researcher, teacher, advocate, therapist, and problem solver. With so much on your plate, it may be impossible to attend all four days of the apexINSPIRE Autism Summit. We don’t want you to miss out on hands-on advice to benefit your entire family.

That’s why we’re excited to introduce the Lifetime Access Pass! By upgrading your free pass, you can:

  • Watch and learn from expert speakers at any time and place that is convenient for you.
  • Get professional guidance at a fraction of the cost of therapy sessions.
  • Go back and watch the recordings again for the 2nd, 3rd, or even a hundredth time.

You're not alone; support is always available!

Imagine the impact of proven techniques on your child’s life, or how hearing a relatable experience could make you feel less alone. Wouldn’t that be worth the cost of the Autism  Summit recordings?

Gain unlimited access to the speaker sessions, allowing you to reconnect with professionals, advocates, and fellow parents who comprise a supportive community that understands your journey.

Don’t miss this opportunity to support your child’s thriving development. Empower yourself to become the expert they need! Secure your Lifetime Access Pass by clicking the button below.

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Regular Price $130 Early Bird Price $49.99

Ensure you don't miss any sessions! With your upgraded pass, you'll have the flexibility to watch and learn from expert speakers at your convenience, anytime and anywhere.

Interesting Image
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